To un-know that green is green
To un-know that green is green
Tiefwerder Wiesen, Berlin
in the frame of Swamps & Stars
Planetary Listening
May, 2023
‘To un-know that green is green’ a collective exploration designed and conducted by Daniela Medina Poch around un-knowing as an experiment and method of investigation, un-knowing as an approach to embodied listening and interspecies entanglements; an experimental time-space in conversation with Berlin’s Tiefwerder Wiesen.
What inner and outer worlds can emerge from un-knowing?
Can un-knowing allow a wider listening and a more porous attunement to our environments? In which ways can the acceptance of not knowing contribute to de-canonizing hegemonic knowledge systems?
We wandered and wondered, we listened in many ways and we read excerpts of texts from Édouard Glissant, María Puig de la Bellacasa, Sana N’Hada, Francesc Tosquelles, Éricka Flórez, Donna Haraway and Daniela Medina Poch.
‘To un-know that green is green’ took place in the frame of Swamps & Stars a program curated by Planetary Listening.