Here is a collection of workshops.
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Ein gemeinsames Morgen gestalten. Translokale Solidaritäten
Ein 4-tägiger Workshop über Solidaritäten,
transnationalen Aktivismus und experimentellem Protest
In Kooperation mit dem FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Museum, Laura Jousten und der Hausburgschule Friedrichshain
Junge Menschen in Berlin wachsen in einer Vielzahl von Realitäten und Kontexten
auf, die über den lokalen Rahmen hinausgehen. Berlin ist keine Blase, die dem Weltgeschehen gegenüber gleichgültig ist, ganz im Gegenteil: Durch die migrantische Stadtgesellschaft und ihr politisches und soziales Bewusstsein ist Berlin nah dran an dem, was in der Ferne geschieht.
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg ist ein Bezirk, der besonders stark von den politischen Situationen in anderen Ländern geprägt ist. Viele der weltweiten sozialen Bewegungen der letzten Jahre wurden von hier aus unterstützt. Vor allem Menschen, die in Folge der repressiven Reaktionen nach Berlin geflohen sind, aber auch Personen zurückliegender Bewegungen und ihre Nachkommen prägen mit ihrem transnationalen Aktivismus das Leben der Stadt. Im öffentlichen Raum zeigt sich das u.a. in Graffitis mit Symbolen und Slogans, in Solidaritätsdemonstrationen und -aktionen. In Berlin ist transnationale Solidarität ein sehr präsentes Konzept und eine Haltung, denn von hier aus werden viele internationale Kämpfe miteinander verwoben.
Welche Rolle spielen weltweite politische Bewegungen für junge Menschen in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg? Was ist ihr Potenzial zur Veränderung, welche Werkzeuge und Kanäle können sie nutzen, um das zu unterstützen, was ihnen am Herzen liegt? Wie kann Solidarität zwischen jungen Menschen verschiedener Länder und Communities über Grenzen hinweg entstehen? Welche besondere Rolle spielen junge Menschen, die familiäre Bezüge zu Ländern haben, in denen es Revolutionen oder Massenproteste gegen autoritäre Regime gab? Wie können sie einen selbstbestimmten Umgang mit
der Balance zwischen dem Hier und Dort, zwischen Generationen und verschiedenen Sprachen finden?
Ecotopias: Systems and Narratives for Uncertain Futures
Ecotopias: Systems and Narratives for Uncertain Futures
10 past 12 Theater Freibug
July, 2023
Along the Climate-Social Emergency there is a crisis of imagination. The pursuit for sustainable practices is often guided by the aim to extend and greenwash Western current lifestyles, but what if we were to conceive new lifestyles and narratives based on a plural notion of planetary solidarity?
Which communities and landscapes sustain our current lifestyles? Why is the struggle against climate change shown as separate from the struggle to decolonize our systems? Who is leading the discourse on climate change? Which new systems and narratives do we need? Why are some lives privileged on behalf of others?
During Ecotopias: Systems and Narratives for Uncertain Futures we examined the narratives that sustain today’s systems and how their double standards fail today’s needs. Then we hosted a think tank to re-think criteria, standards and narratives for common and plural futures.
Pässe als Brücken, Pässe als Mauern. Von der Oberbaumbrücke zur aktuellen Migrationspolitik und grenzüberschreitenden Solidarität
Ein Workshop von Daniela Medina Poch
mit Schüler*innen der Hausburgschule
19. – 21. 06.2023
FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum
Eine Brücke kann Orte und Menschen miteinander verbinden, genauso wie ein Reisepass das Überschreiten von Grenzen ermöglichen kann. Doch was passiert, wenn Brücken zu Mauern werden und Pässe zu Grenzen?
Zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Geschichte erfanden einige Menschen Nationen und nationale Grenzen. Diese von Menschen geschaffenen Trennungen orientierten sich manchmal an geografischen Grenzen wie einem Gebirge, einem Fluss oder einem Meer. Oft sind sie Ergebnisse von Krieg und Herrschaft und führten zu gewaltsamen Trennungen von Menschen und Land. Mit den Ländergrenzen kamen Pässe, Dokumente und Instrumente, um Reisen und Grenzübertritte zu dokumentieren und oft auch zu verhindern.
In der heutigen Welt haben wir nicht alle das gleiche Recht, uns zu bewegen und andere Orte zu betreten. Nicht alle Pässe sind gleich: Es gibt Pässe, die längere Reisen erlauben als andere, Pässe, die nur kurze Entfernungen zulassen, und Pässe, die eher einer Mauer als einer Brücke gleichen.
Warum dürfen manche Menschen reisen und andere nicht? Was bedeutet diese Bewegungs(un-)freiheit für die Menschen?
Die Oberbaumbrücke ist ein wichtiges historisches Wahrzeichen in Berlin, das im Laufe der Geschichte die paradoxe Funktion einer Mauer übernommen hat: eine Mauer, die die Stadt trennte, eine Mauer, die Menschen voneinander trennte. Heute gibt es glücklicherweise keine Mauer mehr und die Brücke fungiert als Brücke. Dennoch gibt es jeden Tag Grenzen, die Menschen und Orte voneinander trennen und Ungleichheiten schaffen.
In einem viertägigen Workshop mit der Künstlerin Daniela Medina Poch erstellen die Schüler*innen fiktive Reisepässe, um über die aktuelle Migrationspolitik und grenzüberschreitende Solidarität nachzudenken. Während dieser vier Tage werden wir uns mit der Frage beschäftigen: Was ist derzeit unzugänglich und sollte als Akt der Solidarität zugänglich gemacht werden?
Ein Projekt von Daniela Medina Poch in Zusammenarbeit mit dem FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum im Rahmen der “werkstatt denkmal” von Denk Mal in Berlin e.V.
Organisation: Jorinde Splettstößer
To un-know that green is green
To un-know that green is green
Tiefwerder Wiesen, Berlin
in the frame of Swamps & Stars
Planetary Listening
May, 2023
‘To un-know that green is green’ a collective exploration designed and conducted by Daniela Medina Poch around un-knowing as an experiment and method of investigation, un-knowing as an approach to embodied listening and interspecies entanglements; an experimental time-space in conversation with Berlin’s Tiefwerder Wiesen.
What inner and outer worlds can emerge from un-knowing?
Can un-knowing allow a wider listening and a more porous attunement to our environments? In which ways can the acceptance of not knowing contribute to de-canonizing hegemonic knowledge systems?
We wandered and wondered, we listened in many ways and we read excerpts of texts from Édouard Glissant, María Puig de la Bellacasa, Sana N’Hada, Francesc Tosquelles, Éricka Flórez, Donna Haraway and Daniela Medina Poch.
‘To un-know that green is green’ took place in the frame of Swamps & Stars a program curated by Planetary Listening.
Aqualiteracies: thinking~feeling with waters
Daniela Medina Poch and Elizabeth Gallón Droste
29.11.2022 — 13.12.2022, Online 5 sessions
A Fluid Archive of Interspecies Communications in Hybrid Temporalities. How do we communicate with water? What hybrid communication protocols do we establish in these dialogues? How can we situate ourselves within an ecocentric context in everyday life?
Acknowledging water as a living archive of situated knowledge, we seek to create the Fluid Archive of Aqualiteracies, a framework of perceptions and approaches that will gather the sensitive and speculative experiences of diverse bodies: multiple ways of inhabiting and communicating with waters. We will approach everyday multispecies communications and performativities as instances of futurity in the face of the current water crisis. How can we listen to what water asks of us in different contexts and how can we project intentional messages into it?
Colombian artists and researchers Daniela Medina Poch and Elizabeth Gallón Droste propose a joint exploration and exchange aimed at generating dialogues, dynamics, and guidelines to reveal and disseminate aqualiteracy across Latin America.
Unsichtbar gemachte Geschichten kollektiv sichtbar machen: Ein Anti-Denkmal Workshop für Eltern und Kinder
By Daniela Medina Poch and Pablo Santacana López
With Vitjitua Ndjiharine and Jorinde Splettstößer
29 – 30 October 22 | at the FHXB Museum
How do we remember things?
How does the city remember its history?
What stories do children want to make visible?
What kind of monuments do they want to claim for their concerns?
These questions were the focus of the two-day workshop (October 29-30, 2022 at FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum) with artist:s Daniela Medina Poch and Pablo Santacana López. Children and adults explored in an accessible and dynamic way different ways in which people or a society remember.
This project is part of a series of artistic activations of the online platform “Kolonialismus Begegnen,” an archive initiated by the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum that gathers traces and voices on the postcolonial history of Berlin’s districts. It shows that colonialism is neither a historical event nor an exclusively academic or political concept, but rather a power structure that influences our present – a structure that we can change together.
Statistics on the Table: An Artistic Approach
Haus der Statistik + Institut fur Kunst im Kontext,
Universität der Künste Berlin. Supported by Interflugs
Team: Daniela Medina-Poch, Frederick Becker, Redwane Jabal,
Min Kyung Kim, Svenja Simone Schulte, Viviane Tabach, Jan Barner,
Pablo Santacana
Haus B, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
April – Juli 2021
How can art practice contribute to diversifying and democratizing the flow and visibility of statistical information? In which ways can statistics become a tool to account for the non-yet-visible and the non-yet-quantifiable? How can we forge cultures of grass-root statistics and how do we represent them? How do statistics contribute to the shaping of a socio-political context?
“Statistics on the Table: An Artistic Approach” is a research laboratory around the production, management and dissemination of statistical data nowadays. CO–RE hosted a program of three phases – input, research and output. During the initial phase, discussion sessions were held with guest experts on data science and statistics: the contextualization of Alexanderplatz (Stefanie Endlich), the project of Haus der Statistik (Dariya Kryshen), Statistics related with Violence as Commodity (Igor Vidor), Embodied Information and Data Humanism (Domestic Data Streamers), Statistical Numbing (Moritz Stefaner), Critical Cartography and Data Visualization (Orangotango).
As a follow-up, participants developed an investigation around statistics, concluded with on-site installations at the façade of Haus B, Haus der Statistik. The exhibition “What counts when we count?” is composed of artists, curators and cultural producers, many either alumni or presently students of the MA Kunst im Kontext at UdK
If You Were the Leaf of a Tree + Field Receptivity
If You Were the Leaf of a Tree
+ Field Receptivity
Workshop in collaboration with Fred Becker
Practices to Make Summer Longer
Free Radicals Program, September, 2021
Floating University, Berlin, DE
Joint workshop around whispers and secrets, landscape embodiment and non-linear recording and writing. After reviewing several referents of field receptivity, we developed some writing exercises that we later recited through tin and chord phones, making compositions that dialogued with the landscape and with other people present at the Floating University.
New relationships with the Transquotidian | Dialogues between Art and Design
New relationships with the Transquotidian
Dialogues between Art and Design
Daniela Medina Poch in collaboration with Juan Pablo García Sossa
Fundación Canibal
Bogotá, Colombia 2018
A visual artist and a designer explore the meeting points between the two disciplines to develop tools for appropriation and resignification of public space. Combining body-machine approaches, we seek to explore creative uses of new media approaches applied to relational dynamics in a certain context.
Aiming to strengthen the relationship of the artistic center with the surrounding ecosystem, all interventions are thought to be at a one-to-one scale. At the end of the workshop, we propose to make a small exhibition in order to socialize the process and the outcomes.
How to think in alternative networks between inhabitants and passers-by who share a public space?How do grass root movements change top down infrastructure? How do public and private spaces intermingle through performativity?
Fine Art Financ€ Lab
Laboratorio de Arte y Dinero
Daniela Medina Poch in collaboration with Juan David Galindo
IDARTES – Instituto Distrital de las Artes y Fundación Arteria
Bogotá, Colombia 2018
Which non-hegemonic systems of value can we think of through the framework of contemporary art? As art practitioners, which alternative system can we build to revalue our work without having to commit to the rules of the existing system?
Often the relationship between art and finance represent an oxymoron. Despite the fact that art is a multimillionaire business ($66 Billion dollar industry (2016)) and quite precarious at the same time, the romantic idea of the artist who remains ‘pure’ and out of the economical system seems to remain valid. Art business works under a different logic than other businesses do, and to make art practice sustainable, contemporary artists – producers of a commerciable subjectivity – need to know how to relate to this financial dimension.
This lab comes from the need to reflect, demystify and understand the relationship between arts and finance, while questioning some paradigms the lab aims to host a space to conceive non-hegemonic systems of value and strategies of fnancial subversion. The Fine Art – Finance Lab has been developed by Daniela Medina Poch and Juan David Galindo and it has been presented in three versions: Fine Art – Financ€ Lab Amsterdam – April, 2016 at 4Bid Gallery at OT301, Amsterdam, NL as 5-day workshop which involved local lecturers, performances and an exhibition. Within the program Money Lab3 on December, 2016 at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam we presented our series of performances together with Igno Notemans. Laboratorio de Arte y Dinero IDARTES – November, 2017, Bogotá, the program was included as a program of the district and together with Fundación Arteria we organized a complex and diverse 15-day workshop that took place at the theater of the Museum of Modern Art and other ephemeral locations in Bogota, Colombia.
Global Warming, Reguetón and Emotional Micropolitics
Daniela Medina Poch
Institute of Endotic Research
2ndo Encuentro Internacional de Objetos y Muros
Commissioned by Clara Bolivar and Lorena Tábares
Berlin, Germany 2019
How can we use the frame of art to expand and diversify the action of protesting?
In the first part we will deal with the relation object-performance-protest. Oranges, toilet paper, a bottle of wine, a candle… from a daily life point of view, any object is subject to symbolize our struggle or what we fight against. In the second phase we examine the case of the Puerto Rican Perreo Combativo, the power of Reggaeton as a catalyzer of protest and of national strike. From this point we build together and perform a Reggaeton song.
Both performance and protest go beyond representation. Both seek to manifest a statement through the presence of the body within a context that becomes transversal to the action and dialogue with the present realities. The workshop seeks to encourage citizen participation in micro-politics by acting creatively to react upon the disagreements or pursue ideals which deal with our context. Everyday objects, songs and subjects will be brought up as ingredients of our collective performance session.
Within the framework of the Second encounter of Objects and Walls Tlaxala 3 and Institute of Endotic Research
¿Hay alguien en casa? / Is there anyone home?
¿Hay alguien en casa?
Experiences in relation to trust,
moving from public space to private space.
Luz Broto, Daniela Medina Poch & Linet Sánchez
FLORA ars+natura
October, 18, 2018
Proposal: Enter with a stranger to your home.
Place: FLORA ars+natura and neighbourhood San Felipe
Time: 3:30-6:30
Public: General, no previous knowledge required.
The workshop is proposed as a collective process, which using playful and performative tools, proposes an exploration of the neighbourhood of San Felipe that seeks to alter the logic of fear, suspicion and distrust in the city.
Affective Circuits and Situated Derives
Universidad Departamental de Bellas Artes
Cali, Colombia
Based on the drifts of Baudelaire and Guy Debord, this workshop proposes the exploration of a territory under affective and poetic criteria. At the same time, it seeks to promote interaction between passers-by and contribute to link the art institution with the surrounding neighbourhood.
Special thanks to Alberto Campuzano and the students of Universidad Departamental de Bellas Artes.