A Picture with a Latina

A Picture with a Latina

Video performance and pictures
Screen 50 x 38.95 cm or larger
Pictures A5 (14.8 X 21 x 10cm)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016

Exhibited at FLORA Ars+Natura Open Studios 2018 

A Picture with a Latina attempts to problematize and complexify the term “Latina” in the context of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A Picture with a Latina investigates whether self-exoticization, as in taking control of the exogenous gaze, could be an emancipatory path towards self-representation.

‘Latina’ is an identity designation for women coming from Latin America generally used by non-Latin Americans. ‘Latina’ is a term that is loaded with various connotations, most of which I do not feel represent me. During A Picture with a Latina I ask an audience of passersby walkers about their associations with the term Latina and offer them to buy a picture with me. Through an informal business, a very common type of commerce in Latin America, I monetize and re-appropriate ‘my cultural category’.


Metaprotesting Metaprotesting Metaprotesting

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